Retail Program (for Community Herb Growers)
We offer three Levels of Support to our growers -- this is our retail model.
As a “Community Herb Grower,” your herbs will be blended along with those of other growers. For simplicity, we label these herbs as coming from the Meeting House Farm Herb Grower Collaborative.
Since herbs are blended from multiple locations, growers must take extra special care to meet our quality assurance and drying/garbling specifications. For this reason (and due to market demand), Meeting House Farm likely won’t be able to buy everything you have to offer.
Are you interested in becoming a Community Herb Grower for Meeting House Farm? Here’s what to expect:
The Retail Program for Community Herb Growers
- When a bag of herbs is sold, growers receive a payout of 50% of the sales price of the herbs (bagging costs are not included in the payout).
- Payouts occur via check or direct deposit once your herbs have been bagged and added to our inventory system. Most months, we pay you every 30 days.
- Your herbs will always be labeled with Meeting House Farm Herb Grower Collaborative, under our branding.
- For example: the Calendula currently sold at Portland Food Co-Op is from Patch Farm and Meeting House Farm. We label this as Meeting House Farm Herb Grower Collaborative for simplicity.
What are the perks of joining the Collaborative?
- We strive to meet as a collaborative regularly to build community, share farming tips, seeds, wisdom, and go in on bulk supply orders together.
- Your herbs will have the opportunity to be sold in our online store at as well as on the shelves of our growing stockist list which includes storefronts, apothecaries, groceries and co-ops across Maine and the American Northeast.
Additional perks
We won a grant that lets us offer these services to our growers for free!
- E-commerce site maintenance and updates
- Herbs for sale at our Common Ground Fair booth (if desired by grower)
- Bookkeeping
- Liability Insurance
- Herb storage in temperature controlled / rodent and insect free facility (as certified by MOFGA & the State of Maine Agriculture Department)
- Administrative & customer service
- Herb Intake and quality assurance
Is there a cost to join the Collaborative?
- There is no application fee to apply to join the Collaborative.
Interested in joining our Retail Program?
- New farms can apply at any time.
- Email for details.