Skullcap OG (Scutellaria barbata) - live plant
Scutellaria barbata
These field dug Skullcap plants are available in 1 gallon pots and as bare root.
At Meeting House Farm we are plant geeks and love to grow different varieties of medicinal herbs. This variety of skullcap has been thriving at our farm for 5 years now, even though it is marked as zones 7-10. (We are zone 6) We started five years ago with seed from Strictly Medicinals.
In the Garden
This skullcap is perennial (zones 7-10) and grows to 18 inches. It is native to southeastern China. Flowers are similar to the lateriflora variety- blue/purple. Plant prefers part shade to sun and moist soil. Zones 7-10
In the Apothecary
We have found that blending the barbat, helmet and lateriflora make a fantastic well rounded skullcap. We use it to ease panic attacks, in our sleep blends, and as a general support to the nervous system.
In traditional Chinese medicine this specific variety is used for clearing heat, infection, tumors, and hepatitis.
Order now to pick-up on Friday and Saturday, May 16th and 17th at Foreside Antiques Rt 1, Falmouth Maine.
Note: We can no longer offer pick-up at Meeting House Farm.
Organic / Biodynamic Information
All live seedlings, bare roots and gallon-sized plants are certified organic by MOFGA and grown biodynamically from seed at Meeting House Herb Farm in Scarborough, Maine.
A Note about Plant Sizes
This picture shows the plant full grown.
If you are picking up Seedlings, know that they are quite small - just started and will need some care to establish. We've raised them from seed, and made sure they are adjusted to 24/7 outdoor weather, so it will be the perfect time and size to take home and plant in your own garden to arrange in harmony with your other plants.
If you order bare root, they will be just breaking dormancy and will need to be planted as soon as possible. These will be 1 year plants. Give them a year to fully establish in their new home.
If you are picking up Gallon sized pots, they are 1-3 year old plants dug from our gardens at Meeting House Farm.
Refund for Pots
Do you still have your pot from last year’s sale? Bring it to the sale and get a $1 refund per pot!
Still have Questions?
See our Seedling FAQ for more information